Over the last 12 months, NICE has been working with the Care Quality Commission, Health Research Authority and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to develop a multi-agency advisory service for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies in health and care (MAAS). Expected to launch next year, the MAAS will enable the development and widespread adoption of value-adding technologies, optimising care and improving outcomes across the health and care system.
The MAAS is a large-scale project involving 4 different organisations. Each one plays a key role in the regulation or evaluation of digital technologies in health and social care. Once up and running, the service will help drive innovation into the hands of health and social care professionals. It’s humbling to think that the work I’m doing will play a part in that and the people that use our health and social care services will benefit as a result.
Website launch
We are developing the online service ready for next year. An early version of the online service will soon be available in ‘private beta’. The site, which is called ‘Understanding regulations of AI and digital technology in health and social care’, is a ‘minimal viable product’. This means that it is still being developed and improved but does have enough functionality to be usable.
Get involved
From now until October, the project team will be making this early version of the site available for testing. We are looking for future users of the MAAS to interact with the site and provide feedback. We want to know what works well and what does not so we can ensure the site meets the needs of its users.
Source: Company Press Release